
LAPIN: Inhibitors targeting the respiratory Na+ pump of gram-negative microorganisms

We are searching for inhibitors against gram-negative pathogenic bacteria.

This collaborative research project (2018-A33)  is funded by the Else Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung.

Principal investigators: Julia Fritz-Steuber, Günter Fritz

Interplay between fermentative and respiratory energy conservation in Prevotella sp.

In this collaborative project supported by the DFG, we address the metabolism and physiology of an important bacterium of the rumen.

Principal investigators: Jana Seifert, Julia Fritz-Steuber

Analysis of properties and assembly of the intramembrane FeS cluster in Na+ -NQR and RNF complexes

This collaborative project is supported within the DFG SPP 1927 (iron-sulfur for life). Our goal is to understand how an unprecedented FeS center is incorporated into a respiratory enzyme found in many bacteria.

Principal investigators: Günter Fritz, Julia Fritz-Steuber

Targeting of S100A8/A9 for imaging of inflammatory disorders

This collaborative project is supported within the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 1450 (insight-Multiscale imaging of organ-specific inflammation). Activated monocytes and granulocytes are key to inflammatory diseases and release the alarmin S100A8/A9 in high concentrations. We will establish a specific S100A8/A9 tracer combining X-ray structure analysis and chemical synthesis.

Principal investigators: Günter Fritz, Andreas Faust